1. Where can we get a Grant Form?
You must be registered on our online Grants system to apply for funding. Click here to login or read more about eligibility and registration here.
2. What is the Cut-off Date for submitting Grant Requests?
In accordance with the Gambling Act 2003 – Section 110 (2), One Foundation receives Grant Requests on a continuous basis. All completed and correct Grant Requests must be submitted online by 5pm on the day of cut-off which is displayed on the front page of our website.
2.1 Grant Meeting Date
The grant meeting will be held on or before the last working day of the month following the cut-off date.
2.2 Decision Date
The grant decision will be sent out within 4 days of the meeting date.
2.3 Payment Date
Grants are usually paid within a week of the Decision being accepted by the Grantee.
3. What are the Funding Criteria for assessing Grants?
All Grant Requests are reviewed by our Grants Committee monthly. Please read What We Can & Can't Fund (“Authorised Purpose”) for details of what would be considered.
4. Is there a limit to the amount of money that we can apply for?
There is no limit to the amount of funding that you may request. However, the availability of funds will depend on the amount of gaming machine income generated in the area of the Organisation applying for funding, whether the Request is in line with What We Fund, as well as the number of Requests received from the same area in that month.
5. May we apply for something that we have already paid for?
No. We are not permitted to fund items / services that have already been paid for including deposits. All Grant Requests should be submitted at least eight weeks prior to when the funds are required.
6. May we re-apply for funding if our application has been declined?
You are welcome to re-apply if your application was declined, as long it was not declined due to not meeting our funding criteria. You will need to submit a new Request when re-applying.
7. How long does it take for a Grant Request to be processed?
Provided that the requirements in 4. above are met, Organisations will receive a response by the last day of each month (excluding July, when there is usually no meeting due to our June financial year end).
8. May we apply for more than one Grant?
Yes, provided that a separate Request is completed for each application.
9. May we apply to other trusts for the same thing at the same time?
Yes, you may apply to other funding providers but this must be declared on your Request form in the space provided. Should you receive funding for the same purpose prior to our meeting date we must be advised immediately.
10. Do you fund grants in areas outside of your gaming machine venues?
If you are a community-based Eligible Organisation, you are welcome to apply for funding.
11. Do you fund salaries?
Yes, generally funding is limited to three months at a time.
12. Do we need to submit receipts for money spent in relation to our Grant?
You must supply confirmation that you have spent the money for only those items / services that were funded. Please note that your Request may be automatically declined if your Organisation has outstanding Accountability Reports due.
13. Do we have to spend the Grant within a specific timeframe?
The general requirement is that the funding must be spent within a three-month period. To request an extension to your Accountability Report, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with your Grant Number in the subject line.
14. What is considered a “Benefit to the Community”?
T hese are some questions to ask when considering whether the funding you are requesting could benefit the community:
Please note that the above list is not exhaustive. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are unsure whether your funding request would be considered a benefit to the community. |
15. May we spend the funding on items other than those granted?
No. Each grant is approved on a line by line basis and the funding must be spent as allocated. In some cases, exceptions may be made by the Net Proceeds Committee. In this case, requests must be motivated and submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.beforehand.