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The Cut-Off date for our April Meeting is

15 March 2020

Authorised Purpose

One Foundation is licensed to make grants for the following authorised purposes:

a. Any purpose which for the time being constitutes a charitable purpose in New Zealand, including, without limitation:
i. The advancement of education;
ii. The promotion of scientific research and learning;
iii. The promotion and support of the relief of poverty, including physical welfare;
iv. The promotion and support of other purposes beneficial to the community, including literature and the arts;

b. A non-commercial purpose that is beneficial to the whole or a section of the community; and

c. Promoting, controlling, and conducting race meetings under the Racing Act 2003, including the payment of stakes.

What We Fund

The Following are Authorised Purposes for which Net Proceeds can be Distributed.


Programs that support youth at risk.
Recognised cultural and community organisations to further the objects of those groups.
To provide for the maintenance, refurbishment and well-being of local marae.


Schools and other educational institutes for equipment and student amenities for educational advancement not covered by government funding. 


Support services for communities.


Donations to amateur sport teams and clubs competing in recognised leagues and tournaments.  
Ground Hire.
Playing uniforms.
Provision of actual and reasonable travel expenses for groups participating in tournaments with kindred groups.
Sports Equipment.




What We Can't Fund

The Following is a List of Purposes that CAN NOT Receive Net Proceeds


  • Payment to horse or greyhound owners or trainers.
  • Payments to professional jockeys.
  • Activities or expenses relating to the breeding of race horses or greyhounds.
  • Grants can only be issued to sport teams/clubs that are formally established and/or legally constituted or can show affiliation to the national organisation.
  • Touch modules must provide a photocopy of their Touch NZ membership card.
  • No grant will be issued to a player or team competing on a professional basis.
  • No One Foundation venue can have direct commercial interest in the success of an application.
  • Applications cannot be for events or teams that are not open to the wider community.
  • This includes work and industry competitions, private clubs, union groups, police and armed forces.
  • Applications cannot be made by individual teams from within a club.
  • No grant will be approved for the provision of loans, mortgages, food, beverages, bar facilities, and mobile phones.
  • Applications must not be for goods, services and expenses already purchased at the time of application.


For more information on what the DIA determine to be and not to be an Authorised Purpose, please click here.

Lest we forget

icon poppy

When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today.

Kia Ora Bonjour Bula Ciao Chao ban Dobrý den! G'Day Goeie Dag Guten Tag Hallo Hola Howzit Konnichiwa iHola! Molo Marhaban Merhaba Namasté Ni Hao Ola Om Swastiastu Salaam Sawubona Susaday Sveiki Talofa Yassou zdrAstvuy

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